domingo, 26 de julho de 2009

First post / Introductions / Reasons why I created this Blog

I'm Marlon. I'm from Portugal. I'm 19 as I'm writing this. I play bass and I pretend to play guitar. And music is a part of my life which is so huge that i would never be able to quantify it.

About a year ago, the following question, as I listened to some of the greatest music in my life, this question started to come up in my head: "Are there actually people who are going to die without ever listening to this stuff?"

Of course, an inevitability, is that I, too, will die without listening to some amazing music. But this Blog will be about sharing my musical tastes and whatever knowledge I have about music, as ecletically as possible to me. Rest assured that you, at one point or another, will find from old Blues to extreme Metal in here. To me, good music is good music, and it barely matters what style it is.

The problem, to me, with music these days, is that there is amazing stuff out there, but most good music is "concealed" under layers and layers of what I usually call "music for immediate consumption", and lots of people have good taste, but they just need a "push" in the right direction to start finding the "righteous" path. I don't mean to sound pretentious. But that is what happened to me; I was given a push into great music and, since, I've found all kinds of artists and genres I had never even dreamed about, which, nowadays, are a crucial part of who I am as a person and a musician.

This blog was an idea I had a few months back, but never until now did I have the time to actually create it. Now it's the time. I wish I had the time/patience to post new entries in here everyday, but that is totally not going to happen.

This is a blog, for sharing with people, music that completely changed my life, for music I love, or simply for bands that kicked me in the ass unbelievably hard. Or even music i didn't like so much, or even hated.

When I present a band/artist for the first time I will try to present a short "bandography" with information as accurate as I will be able to provide. If ever do you detect information which is wrong, please bring the wrongness of my ways unto the light, and I will for sure correct it as soon as (and if) the error is confirmed.

Stay tuned.

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